january 2023 Events

29jan(jan 29)1:00 pm30may(may 30)4:30 pmARTful Wellness SeriesJanuary 29 - through June 2023 Dates as Specified

Event Details

Welcome to ARTfactory’s ARTful Wellness Series!
We understand the importance of mental health and want to provide a safe place for individuals and families to find and learn positive ways to better their well-being. We are grateful to be partnering with UVA Health in a way that provides our community with helpful resources to help ease depression, stress and anxiety, plus help improve things such as memory and mood.


Our ARTful Wellness Series will include classes and workshops for all ages. Please view our ARTful Wellness Series tab at the top of our website in the navigation bar to view a detailed list of upcoming classes and workshops related to mental health. To read the ARTful Wellness Series press release, visit our homepage.


January 29 (Sunday) 1:00 pm - May 30 (Tuesday) 4:30 pm est



9419 Battle Street

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